Multi Credit Facility of Tk. 1210 million for Akbar Composite Limited
Dhaka Bank arranged a syndicated multi credit facility of Tk. 1210 million (as LC and Term Loan) for setting up of a textile-spinning unit Akbar Composite Ltd., comprising 25,800 spindles, located at Jamirdia, Bhaluka, Mymensing. Four other banks viz. National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd., BRAC Bank Limited, Uttara Bank Limited, and National Bank Limited are among the syndicate partners.
The Signing Ceremony of the syndication deal was held at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel on May 26, 2008. Mr. Shahed Noman, Managing Director, Dhaka Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Nurul Amin, Managing Director, NCC Bank Limited, Mr. A. E. A. Muhaimen, Managing Director, BRAC Bank Limited, Mr. M. A. Matin, Assistant Managing Director, Uttara Bank Limited, Mr. Syed Mohammad Bariqullah, Senior Executive Vice President, National Bank Limited signed the Facility/Security Agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Mr. Al-Haj Ali Akbar Mia, Chairman and Mr. Nur-E-Alam Siddike, Managing Director of Akbar Composite Limited was present in the Signing Ceremony. Mr. Mesbah Uddin Ahmed, FAVP & In-charge of DBL Syndication and Structured Finance Unit conducted the event. Other senior officials of the lead bank, participating banks and Akbar Composite Limited were also present in the ceremony.