
TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK


TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

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Rate last updated: 02/01/2014 11:15:04 AM

১০০, ২০০, ৫০০ ও ১০০০ টাকা মূল্যমান ব্যাংক নোটের নিরাপত্তা বৈশিষ্ট্য

১০০% কটন কাগজে নতুন নিরাপত্তা সুতা সম্বলিত ১০০ ও ৫০০ টাকা মূল্যমানের ব্যাংক নোটের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ

উচ্চ মূল্যমানের ব্যাংকনোটের নিরাপত্তা বৈশিষ্ট্য অধিকতর সুদৃঢ় করার লক্ষ্যে এতে বিদ্যমান কাগজের পরিবর্তে উন্নতমানের কোটিংকৃত দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ১০০% কটন কাগজে মুদ্রিত এবং নতুন ও উন্নততর ৪ মিমি প্রশস্থ নিরাপত্তা সুতা Kinetic StarChrome Thread সংযোজিত গভর্নর ফজলে কবির এর স্বাক্ষর সম্বলিত ১৪০ মিমি দ্ধ ৬২ মিমি পরিমাপের ১০০ টাকা এবং ১৫২ মিমি দ্ধ ৬৫ মিমি পরিমাপের ৫০০ টাকা মূল্যমানের ব্যাংক নোট মুদ্রণ করা হয়েছে যা ১১ই জুন ২০১৭ তারিখে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকে থেকে ইস্যু করা হয়েছে। ১০০ টাকার নতুন নোটের নিরাপত্তা সুতার দিকে সরাসরি তাকালে StarChrome নামক লাল রংয়ের নিরাপত্তা সুতা এবং উজ্জল রূপালী বার এর সমন্বয়ে পেঁচানো (Twisted) অবস্থায় দেখা যাবে। ৫০০ টাকার নোটের নিরাপত্তা সুতার দিকে সরাসরি তাকালে StarChrome নামক লাল রংয়ের নিরাপত্তা সুতা এবং উজ্জল স্বর্ণালী বার এর সমন্বয় পেঁচানো (Twisted) অবস্থায় দেখা যাবে।

বর্নিত নিরাপত্তা সুতার দিকে সরাসরি তাকালে বা আলোর বিপরীতে দেখলে ১০০ টাকার নোটে ‘১০০ টাকা’, ৫০০ টাকার নোটে ‘৫০০ টাকা’ লেখাটি দেখা যাবে। ১০০ টাকা/ ৫০০ টাকা লেখা কতিপয় ক্ষেত্রে নিরাপত্তা সুতার দৃশ্যমান অংশে সম্পূর্ন এবং আংশিক এবং কতিপয় ক্ষেত্রে নিরাপত্তা সুতার ভিতরে অবস্থান করবে। ১০০ টাকা ও ৫০০ টাকা মূল্যমানের উভয় নোট বিভিন্ন দিকে ঘুরালে বা কাত (Tilt) করলে এর হলোগ্রাফিক (StarChrome) অংশের রং লাল থেকে সবুজে পরিবর্তিত হবে এবং উজ্জল রংধনুর রঙের বারে রূপান্তরিত হয়ে উপর থেকে নীচে চলতে দেখা যাবে । নতুন নিরাপত্তা সুতাটি নখের আঁচড়ে বা মুচড়িয়ে সহজে উঠানো সম্ভব হবে না।

নোটের রং, ডিজাইন ও অন্যান্য সকল নিরাপত্তা বৈশিষ্ট্য (জলছাপ, ওভিআই কালিতে লেখা ‘১০০’ ও ‘৫০০’, দৃষ্টি প্রতিবন্ধীদের জন্য যথাক্রমে ৩টি ও ৪ টি বিন্দু, মাইক্রোপ্ৰিন্ট , খসখসে লেখা ইত্যাদি) অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে। নতুন মুদ্রিত বর্ণিত নোটের পাশাপাশি বর্তমানে প্রচলনে থাকা ১০০ ও ৫০০ টাকা মুল্যমানের অন্যান্য নোটও বৈধ ব্যাংক নোট হিসেবে যুগপৎ চালু থাকবে।

আসল ব্যাংক নোট চেনার উপায়

  • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

    • Size- 160x70mm
    • Reverse -Photograph of National Parliament building printed in intaglio ink .
    • Date of Issue : 09-08-2011
    • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
  • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

    • Size- 160x72mm
    • Obverse -National Shaheed Minar.
    • Date of Issue : 27-10-2008
    • Security Feature:
      1. Optically variable ink (OVI): OVI used in the numeric Bengali inscription appears golden when looked directly and green when viewed obliquely.
      2. Security thread: Holographic window type 4mm, wide security thread.
      3. Microscopic printing: "BANGLADESH BANK 1000 TAKA" printed microscopically.
      4. Note Number: Indifferent series number in Bengali accompanies Bengali & English serial number.Latent image: Numeric Bengali inscription "1000".
      5. Iridescent stripe: A vertical stripe on the back containing inscription "BANGLADESH BANK" with variable colour.
      6. Intaglio printing.
      7. Watermark: Watermark of water lily, Bangladesh Bank's monogram and English inscription 1000.
      8. Dot for blind.
      9. Paper: Durable paper with special coating and scattered flourescent fibre.
      10. Borderless printing.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation.
        The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 11-06-2017
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation.
        The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 09-08-2011
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Monument and Saat Masjid.
      • Date of Issue : 24-10-2004
      • Security Feature:The Optical Variable Ink (OVI) has been used in the bangla inscription instead of numeric . When titled up and down the optically variable colour of on obverse of the note will change from a distinct magenta to green and green to magenta as well. Holographic window type security thread. Dot for the blind. Latent image. Head of a Royal Bengal tiger in cylinder mould made watermark and logo of Bangladesh Bank in electrotype watermark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Monument and Saat Masjid.
      • Date of Issue : 17-07-2002
      • Security Feature:Colour shifting ink (OVI). Holographic window type security thread. Dot for the blind. Latent image. Head of a Royal Bengal tiger in cylinder mould made watermark and logo of Bangladesh Bank in electrotype watermark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse -Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Saat Masjid.
      • Date of Issue : 10-08-2000
      • Security Feature:Colour shifting ink (OVI). Latent image. Coloured holographic security thread. Dot for the blind. Watermark of tiger head and monogram of Bangladesh Bank.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Picture of National Monument.
      • Date of Issue : 02-07-1998
      • Security Feature:Window type security thread in the right hand side and watermark of Tiger head.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - TARA Mosque, Dhaka. (The Star Mosque).
      • Date of Issue : 15-12-1976
      • Security Feature:Security thread in the right hand side. Water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in sitting posture in the left hand side and a water mark containing the figure 500 in Bengali in the center
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue :11-06-2017
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 09-08-2011
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Memorial, Savar.
      • Date of Issue : 16-07-2006
      • Security Feature: One Hundred Taka Note with the signature of Salehuddin Ahmed, Governor in the reduced size of 140mmx62mm alongwith security thread of 3mm width instead of existing one hundred Taka note of the size 152mmx65mm alongwith security thread of 4mm width has been on issue since 16 July, 2006. All other features of the Note are remaining the same as before.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Monument and "Shaat Gambuj Masjid" (A mosque with 60 domes).
      • Date of Issue : 28-07-2005
      • Security Feature: A Hundred Taka Note with signature of Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Governor and the inscription '100' on its left-hand upper side with colour shifting ink (OVI) has been issued since 28 June, 2005. All other features of the Note are remaining the same as before.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Monument and "Shaat Gambuj Masjid" (A mosque with 60 domes).
      • Date of Issue : 05-06-2002
      • Security Feature: Colour shifting ink (OVI). Coloured holographic security thread. Dots for the blind. Latent image. Electrotype watermark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Picture of National Monument.
      • Date of Issue : 15-03-2001
      • Security Feature: Colour shifting ink (OVI). Coloured holographic security thread. Dot for the blind. Latent image. Electrotype watermark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - TARA Mosque, Dhaka (The Star Mosque).
      • Date of Issue : 15-12-1977
      • Security Feature: Water mark of the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the left hand side. Engraved printing which has been done in three colours namely deep blue, deep brown and red.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - "TARA" Mosque, Dhaka ( The Star Mosque).
      • Date of Issue : 01-03-1976
      • Security Feature: Security thread and water mark depiciting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the right hand side .
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman .
      • Date of Issue : 01-09-1972
      • Security Feature: A security thread towards the right near the panel containing the water mark depiciting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 07-03-2012
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Parliament Building.
      • Date of Issue : 30-07-2005
      • Security Feature:Watermark of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the right. In its holographic security thread Bangladesh is inscribed in both sides. Designed Print of flowers and creepers in rectoverso system is engraved in both sides. Along the lower border of the Note Bangladesh Bank is inscribed in microtext printing on the obverse. Two identification dots are inscribed in the right hand side for the blind.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Parliament Building.
      • Date of Issue : 12-05-2003
      • Security Feature: Watermark of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the right. In its holographic security thread Bangladesh is inscribed in both sides. Designed Print of flowers and creepers in rectoverso system is engraved in both sides. Along the lower border of the Note Bangladesh Bank is inscribed in microtext printing on the obverse. Two identification dots are inscribed in the right hand side for the blind.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Parliament Building.
      • Date of Issue : 22-08-1999
      • Security Feature: Water mark of the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the right. In its Security thread. Doel 50 is inscribed in both sides. Anti-scan Pyramid pattern in the border of both the sides. Design print in rectoverso system on the above and beneaththe water mark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Monument, Savar.
      • Date of Issue :24-08-1987
      • Security Feature: Security thread in the left hand side and water mark of the head of the Royal Bengal Tiger in the right hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Shaat Gombuj Mosque, Bagherhat.
      • Date of Issue : 04-06-1979
      • Security Feature: Security thread towards the right hand side and water mark depicting the head of the Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse -TARA Mosque, Dhaka. (The Star Mosque).
      • Date of Issue : 01-03-1976
      • Security Feature: Security thread in the right hand side and water mark depicting the head of the Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side .
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 07-03-2012
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Choto Sona Mosque appearing on the right hand side.
      • Date of Issue : 13-07-2002
      • Security Feature:Holographic window type security thread. Dot for the blind. Latent image. Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in Multitonal water mark and logo of Bangladesh Bank in Electrotype watermark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse- Choto Sona Mosque appearing on the right hand side.
      • Date of Issue : 20-08-1979
      • Security Feature: Water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side and a security thread towards the right hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 07-03-2012
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Mosque (Bait-UL-Mukarram).
      • Date of Issue : 21-09-2006
      • Security Feature: A Ten Taka Note with signature of Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, governor has been issued since 21 September 2006. Various portions along with the serial number in the obverse of the note are intaglio printed. Others Notes of same denomination are on circulation as usual.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse -National Emblem along with National Flower (Lotus) in the left hand side.
      • Date of Issue : 07-01-2002
      • Security Feature: Holographic window type security thread in the right of National emblem. Water mark of Logo of Bangladesh Bank and Tiger head.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
      • Date of Issue :11-12-1997
      • Security Feature: Water mark of the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger. Design See-through in the above and below the portrait on the right side of the note, Cleartext Security thread.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Picture of Atiya Jame Mosque, Tangail.
      • Date of Issue :03-09-1982
      • Security Feature: A security thread at the left of the picture of mosque and watermark depicting the raised head of a Royal Bengal Tiger.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Atiya Jame Mosque, Tangail.
      • Date of Issue : 03-08-1978
      • Security Feature: Security thread on the right hand side and watermark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - TARA Mosque, Dhaka. (The Star Mosque).
      • Date of Issue : 11-10-1976
      • Security Feature: Security thread on the right hand side and watermark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
      • Date of Issue :15-10-1973
      • Security Feature: A security thread on the right hand side near the portrait and a water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the map of Bangladesh .
      • Date of Issue : 02-06-1972
      • Security Feature: A security thread near panel containing the water mark which depicts the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Mosque.
      • Date of Issue : 14-12-2000
      • Security Feature: Water mark of the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the left. Optical Thread. National flower Shapla in see-through window.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue:06-06-2017
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 05-01-2017
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation.The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 05-06-2016
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 09-08-2011
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Picture of Mehrab of the Kusumbag Mosque.
      • Date of Issue : 08-10-2006
      • Security Feature: Water mark head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the left side of the note, security thread on the right with 3mm width instead of 0.75mm in the existing 5 taka notes
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Picture of Mehrab of the Kusumbag Mosque.
      • Date of Issue : 02-05-1978
      • Security Feature: Water mark head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the left side of the note. Security thread on the right.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse -TARA Mosque, Dhaka (The Star Mosque).
      • Date of Issue : 11-10-1976
      • Security Feature: Water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse -Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
      • Date of Issue : 01-09-1973
      • Security Feature: Security thread on the right hand side near the panel containing water mark which depicts the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
      • Date of Issue : 15-12-1976
      • Security Feature: Security thread on the right hand side towards the portrait and on the left hand side a water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. The picture of National Monument is printed in light color in the middle of the front side of the note.
      • Date of Issue : 09-08-2011
      • Security Feature:[Bangla] [English]
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - Picture of Shahid Minar of the Language Movement
      • Date of Issue : 29-12-1988
      • Security Feature: Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the left hand side and security thread on the right hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - National Emblem.
      • Date of Issue : 03-09-1979
      • Security Feature:Water mark of the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger in the left hand side of the note. General Security thread. See-through image just above the water mark.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse -A typical Bangali woman pounding rice appearing on the left hand side.
      • Date of Issue : 18-12-1973
      • Security Feature:Security thread on the left hand side near the picture of a woman pounding rice and a water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger on the right hand side.
    • Click on the note to view the other side of the note.

      • Obverse - A hand holding opulent stalks of paddy.
      • Date of Issue : 02-03-1973
      • Security Feature: Security thread and water mark depicting the head of a Royal Bengal Tiger.