Dhaka Bank to bKash Fund Transfer by using Dhaka Bank Go – the mobile app
1. Dhaka Bank Account (You need one Dhaka Bank Account to use Dhaka Bank Go- mobile app)
2. Dhaka Bank Mobile App (Dhaka Bank Go) v.1.4.9 (Jun 28, 2018) or later versions
3. bKash Account (bKash number of yours or beneficiary’s to whom you need to transfer fund). Please note you can transfer fund only in personal bKash Accounts and not in merchant / agent accounts.
Important note: If you have not installed ‘Dhaka Bank Go’ in your mobile device, please install it from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. If you have installed already, please ensure your ‘Dhaka Bank Go’ app is updated. You need one Dhaka Bank Account to use Dhaka Bank Go- mobile app.
Step-by-step Process
Step 1: Open the app - Dhaka Bank Go
Step 2: Select 'Fund Transfer' option.
Step 3: Please log into your Dhaka Bank Go app by using your phone number & T-Pin. Your T-Pin in confidential, please keep it secret. Important note: If you don’t have a T-PIN, as Dhaka Bank Account holder please obtain your T-Pin by contacting Dhaka Bank Call Center (dial: 16474).
Step 4: On the next screen, please select 'Transfer to Mobile Wallet'
Step 5: You will be brought to 'Payee Mobile Wallet Management' screen. please select 'Payee Mobile Wallet Management'
Step 6: Please select "Add Mobile Wallet Payee A/C'
Step 7: Select Account Type as bKash and type phone number & name of the bKash account recipient. By tapping the SUBMIT button, you can successfully add a bKash account. Following the same process, you can add multiple bKash accounts (max. 10).
Step 8: Now you can go back to Fund Transfer again and select 'Transfer to Mobile Wallet A/c' to make a transfer money to bKash account(s) which you have added.
Step 9: Select From Account Number (i.e. Dhaka Bank A/c) and To Account (bKash Account) and specify the amount and write a narration for your future reference. Upon this, you need to tap PROCEED to transfer money.
Step 10: You will notice a pop-up screen for confirming the transfer and you can tap PROCEED again if everything looks okay.
Step 11: You will receive an OTP (one-time password) in your mobile to authenticate the transfer. Please type the OTP on the screen to complete.
Step 12: Following that, you will receive on-screen notification of your successful fund transfer.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This service will allow Dhaka Bank account holders to transfer fund to any bKash account using the mobile application – Dhaka Bank Go. Dhaka Bank account holders will use the mobile app by logging-in with mobile number & T-Pin and perform the transfer securely. Very soon the similar facility will be available in internet banking platform (known as Dhaka Bank Direct Banking). The fund transfer will take place instantly and after successful transaction, both bKash and Dhaka bank account holders will receive notifications.
How can I avail this service?
If you are current or savings account holder (retail client) of Dhaka Bank, you easily can avail this service. You just need to have :
T-Pin, which you can easily generate by contacting Dhaka Bank Call Center (16474)
Mobile App, which you can download from the app store
Using the mobile app, you can transfer fund from your Dhaka Bank Account to any valid bKash account(s). You will be able to load fund in your own bKash Account or, in the bKash accounts of your friends & family.
Is there any way of availing this service apart from Mobile App?
Yes, the service is also available in the bank’s internet banking platform – Dhaka Bank Direct Banking (https://ib.dhakabank.com.bd/). The clients will be able to easily transfer money to bKash Account(s) by logging into internet banking.
How can the bKash account(s) be added into my mobile app?
You need to add valid bKash account(s) as beneficiary into the mobile app before you can transfer fund. You need to go: Log-in Mobile App > Fund Transfer > Transfer to MFS > Add MFS Payee A/C
Will I receive fund instantly in my bKash account?
Yes, if your bKash account is active and valid, you will receive fund instantly using this facility.
Will the bKash account holder receive any confirmation after receiving fund?
Yes, the bKash account holder will receive SMS notification from bKash. A sample SMS is shown below:
Is there any charge for this service?
No, there is no charge for transferring fund or to receive fund using this service.
Do the bank account and bKash customer account need to be linked?
No, there is no linkage of Dhaka Bank Account and bKash Account. Using this facility, you will be able to load fund in your own bKash Account or, transfer in the bKash accounts of your friends & family.
Are there any limits for this fund transfer?
There are 2 types of limit: one is for Bank Account where the fund is being debited and another is for bKash Account where ‘Cash in’ limit will apply
For debiting the Bank Account, BEFTN transfer limit is applicable, which is currently Tk.100,000 per day.
For any bKash account, this will be treated as a ‘Cash In’ transaction, so ‘Cash In’ limits will be applicable.
Transaction Type
Maximum Number of Transactions
Amount Per Transaction
Maximum Amount
Per Day
Per Month
Minimum (Tk.)
Maximum (Tk.)
Per Day (Tk.)
Per Month (Tk)
Cash In
i. Cash In via agent ii. Cash In via bank transfer
Please note your limit of ‘Cash In via bank transfer’ will be merged with ‘Cash In via agent’. So, the above table shows your total limit as a whole. Please visit here to know the updated bKash limits: https://www.bkash.com/support/tariff-limits/limits
Why the bKash customer may not receive funds?
If the bKash account is not in Active status
If the bKash account is not eligible to receive funds
If the bKash account has reached the highest limit of ‘Cash In’ transaction per day or per month
How this transaction will reflect in bank account statement?
EFT:MFS: (bKash Account): bKash Transfer
How this transaction will reflect in bKash account statement?
For USSD and App it will show as ‘Deposit from iBanking’
What if I have mistakenly credited a wrong bKash account?
Please ensure cautions when you are going to add beneficiary (i.e. bKash Accounts). Please re-check the account number you use to transfer fund. Fund transferred mistakenly is in the recipient’s ownership and discretion and neither the Bank nor bKash holds any responsibility in this regard.
For bKash Account related query, where do I contact?
For bKash account related issues, you can call 16247 or approach bKash centers or, send e-mail to support@bkash.com
For Dhaka Bank account related query, where do I contact?
Please reach Dhaka Bank Call Center by dialing 16474 (from overseas: +8809678016474) or email helpdesk@dhakabank.com.bd