
TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK


TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

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Rate last updated: 02/01/2014 11:15:04 AM


Dhaka Bank aims to promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and overall economic development through its financial support for CMSMEs(Cottage, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). The CMSME portfolio of Dhaka Bank has reached a milestone of crossing Taka 32,340 million on 30 June, 2024. Additionally, significant reductions were made in NPL of CMSME Portfolio from the year 2022 onwards and the bank has been able to maintain a healthy CMSME portfolio in 2024 as well. Dhaka Bank’s CMSME team is making significant efforts to enhance its credit assessment process. By focusing on regulatory compliance, proper credit discipline, and effective management of Non-Performing Loans (NPL), the bank aims to strengthen its CMSME portfolio. This approach not only helps in reducing NPLs but also attracts new CMSME clients, contributing to the overall growth and stability of the bank’s operations.

Our Activities:
  • Promoting 1st Time Borrowers
  • Recognizing Good Borrowers
  • Extend Non-financial Digital Service: “i-Khata”
  • Digitization initiatives:
    • -Online Loan Application Approval
    • -“Same-Day Decision” to Loan Applications from Branches
    • -“Bills to Cash” to support Supply Chain business
  • Focus on Women Entrepreneurship.
  • Cluster attention.
  • Product variation.
  • Loan to marginal farmers.
  • Financial inclusion: Loan to Tk. 10.00 Account Holders.
  • Focus on Small/Micro Enterprise.
  • Manufacturing segment friendliness.
  • Special credit at 4% interest rate to specific sector.
  • Lending under Refinance Scheme.



Note: If a firm belongs to one more categories (business segment) on any criterion, the same will be deemed as belonging to the ‘larger’ category.

  • To be the choice of customers in terms of need based solution.
  • Re-engineering process and policies to be the “Innovative and Faster Solution Provider” in SME arena.
  • Prioritize all SME products and services to meet customers’ business requirement.
  • Enhancing Woman Entrepreneur Finance towards women empowerment.



To build SME portfolio as the right tool for financial inclusion, sustainability, diversification and earning potentials of the Bank.

  • Enhance and accelerate lending portfolio and we would like to have sustainable business growth every year
  • Focus on Woman Entrepreneur Finance and Cluster Finance
  • Improve asset quality and to retain good portfolio health
  • Step up campaign for awareness and marketing
  • Educate SME customers through training & workshop
  • Liaise with the partners for exchange of expertise, technical and resource supports
  • Showcase SME profile and products through participating in SME Fairs.
  • Technology Centric processing tool to make decision making process faster
  • To have all products/service in our showcase to meet customers’ need

Business highlights

as of June 30, 2024:

We would like to highlight key SME performance of Dhaka Bank

  • Total CMSME loan outstanding: Taka 32,340 million
  • Number of Customers: 3,300
  • CMSME Woman Entrepreneur Loan: Taka 1,243 million

Women Entrepreneur Finance Key Attributes


  • Available at all DBL Branches and SME Service Centres.
  • Easy terms and conditions.
  • Rate of interest only at 5.00% under Women Entrepreneur Refinance Scheme (BB).
  • Quick approval process.
  • Unsecured facility for a certain limit.
  • Eligible for Credit Guarantee Scheme of Bangladesh Bank
  • 1% incentive facility for client subject to regular repayment of loan.

SME Loan Products

Dhaka Bank Start Up Fund
“DBL Start-up Fund” is a Term Loan Product for CMSME clients to promote new entrepreneurs. The aim of this facility in to encourage and support young entrepreneurs and transform their innovative ideas into businesses. New-to-Bank Startup business entrepreneurs with age between 21 years to 45 years will be eligible for a maximum of Tk.1.00 crore term loan paying significantly lower interest rate. Entrepreneurs with innovative ideas in Manufacturing and Service Sectors can avail unsecured term loan against their educational qualification, technical expertise and training. Clients’ original education certificates and certificates of training on relevant fields are kept as security against the term loan.

Key features:

  • Target Customer: Business should be newly established and creative/innovative
  • Loan Type: Term Loan
  • Loan Ceiling: Tk.10.00 Million (Maximum)
  • Loan tenor: 1 to 5 years maximum
  • Interest Rate: 4%
  • Client age requirement: 21 years to 45 years
  • Security: Original education certificates and certificates of training on relevant fields

Continuous Loan
In order to ensure continuous cash flow for procurement of additional or incremental requirement of consumer goods, as and when needed, continuous loan facility proves to be quite crucial factor for business sustainability. Accordingly, in order to assist to continue regular business activities, Dhaka Bank SME is equipped with “Overdraft Loan” facility (OD Loan), renewable on a yearly basis. OD Loan is extended to SME Customers keeping their respective business nature, purpose of requirement, viability as well as feasibility under consideration.

Demand Loan
Businesses that basically revolves and depends on specific time period of a year, having seasonal impact, require such credit facility, where, the customer is allowed a loan facility for a specific term, to be utilized for smooth operation of his respective business to flourish and at the end of the season, the customer is to pay off in full after due tenor. Dhaka Bank SME offers such, “Demand Loan” in form of “one-off” or ”revolving” facilities.

Term Loan
In order to facilitate business community belonging to small and medium segment, to assist increasing their respective business portfolio and financial asset, a specific loan facility, for a tenor ranging from 1 (One) year to 7 (Seven) years, is available in form of “Term Loan” facility, to be adjusted on installment basis. Dhaka Bank offers Term Loans for Small Enterprises for a tenor of 2 years and Medium Enterprises for 7 years respectively.

Supply Chain Financing: (A) Bills to Cash (B) Factoring Finance
Supplier finance is based on the receivable of suppliers. A supplier provides the goods or services to the Corporate buyer, based on the received & endorsed invoices from buyer, bank finances 80-100% (on invoice value) to the supplier. On or before maturity the repayment is made by corporate buyer. This financial product is formulated to aid relatively larger business houses/enterprises that depend on multiple suppliers for various raw material/ingredients to process and finish consumable goods/services.

Distributor Finance
Distributor finance is a kind of financing that benefits both the distributors and manufacturers/ corporate sellers. It commonly refers to a mode of financing in which the financier makes payment to the manufacturer/principal for lifting goods on behalf of its distributors and the distributors after a certain credit term pays the money back to the financer (Bank). Distributor financing offers clear benefits for both the corporate and the local distributor leading to greater flexibility of cash flow business growth potential.

1st Time Borrower(SUCHONA LOAN)
New SME Entrepreneurs, find it quite difficult to avail formal loan facilities. To address the issue, Dhaka Bank SME Division offers “Shuchona Loan” to facilitate such 1st time borrowers to attain sustainability of their smooth business function and prosperity. The only pre-condition for eligibility in this category is that the customer is required not to have availed any loan facilities in company’s favor prior to availing “Shuchona Loan.”

Women Enterprise Loan(ODITIYA LOAN)
Business women are encouraged and motivated for their contribution in our overall economy. As such inclusion of more number of women with various business activities would only bring in betterment of our overall economy. In tune with this spirit, “Oditiya Loan” facility is formulated with the aim to aid business women in their business activities to gain profitability and sustainability.

Dairy Loan
Dhaka Bank Dairy Loan is to facilitate people dealing with live stocks, like, cattle, sheep, cow, goats etc however, not be used for cultivation, to increase numbers and resultantly ensuring better financial benefit. As such, live stock business owners, either require to invest in fattening live stocks, to be sold out at profitable price at various occasions/festivals or, in keeping them healthy and increase their milk productivity, impacting their business profitability.

Commercial House Building finance
SME loan is business loan by nature and in line with this, Dhaka Bank has house building financing facility for building, renovating or procuring commercial buildings.

SME Business financing is almost always security based lending, however, not all intersed SME customers are capable to offer collateral or land security in order to obtain credit facilities for running thier business activities, resulting in unsuccessful business endeavor. Keeping it under consideration, Dhaka Bank offers Term Loan facilities to assist customers, who cannot afford to offer any collateral as security, in the name of “DBL Easy Loan”.

Loan for tender/bid/auction participation
Dhaka Bank has tailored Product for entrepreneurs participating in various governmental/non-governmental auctions/bids/tenders, who have to submit Payment Orders prior to a particular project being assigned in their favor. The loan credit may be extended in form of of “one-off” or”revolving” facilities.

In order to address business fund crisis or insufficient fund/cash for procuring Work Order for obtaining total Project financing, Dhaka Bank has financing mechanism, namely, Work Order Finance. The respective liability is adjusted out of the payments (PO) received by the customer from the parent organization after completion of work.

LC (Letter of Credit) is a mode of non-funded financing by which customers procure raw material for manufacturing or supply of goods, not available locally, get financial assistance by making partial payment as LC Margin, depending on mutual understanding and relationship. Additionally, Dhaka bank also provides services to customers’ dealing with Export LCs and Bank guarantees, another two non-funded financing, available for SME customers.

SME customer, may he be involved in trading, service, manufacturing or agricultural business, is entitled for a credit facility out of his deposited amount from FDR/DPS etc. Dhaka Bank extends up to 90% of such credit facilitiy, based upon his/her retained with the bank.

Dhaka Bank offers lease financing facility mainly on mid-term or long-term basis depending on the requirement and nature of future outcome of the procured entity. In line with this, on the basis of monthly payments, Dhaka Bank undertakes various ventures like procuring business plants, machinery, vehicles etc. on company’s behalf keeping the Title Deed in Bank’s name.

Islamic Credit
Main stream financing involves interest earning and interest expense that plays a key role, any SME customer, not willing to exercise interest related business lending can enjoy financing from Dhaka Bank on the basis of profit and loss, from any of Dhaka Bank branches. However, related maintenance of data base and other reporting procedure is maintained centrally.

SME Deposit Products

Shukti Account
Shukti Account (SME Customers) is a form of Current Account, having all related major features of CD Accounts, with additional provision of interest income facility. Respective conditional interest rates will vary as per Account deposit/balance, starting from minimum Account balance of BDT 25,000.00. This sort of accounts encourages customers to explore their earning options, resultantly, having positive impacts on Bank’s overall deposit portfolio.

Current Deposit Account-SME
Current Deposit Account-SME is just another form of Current Account, aimed to facilitate only entrepreneurs belonging to SME segment. The respective Account follows and adheres to the same sets of rules, terms and conditions as in Bank’s regular generic Current Accounts. The particular Account has been incorporated with our many other deposit products mainly to determine the segmentation of origin of fund, if it is SME fund or Corporate fund.

FD (Plus) SME
Fixed Deposit accounts inherently promotes deposit mobilization at a relatively higher interest rate. However, in times of deposit crisis, this instrument plays a substantial and vital role in accumulating additional base deposit for the organization. Apart from having facility for issuing regular FDRs for Company accounts and individuals, Dhaka Bank SME has launched a FDR of special kind to increase base deposit of SME segment, promoting procurement of SME based fund for sustainable future financing.

Mudaraba FD Plus (SME)
Fixed Deposit accounts inherently promotes acquisition of deposit at a relatively higher interest rate. However, in times of deposit crisis, FDs play a substantial and vital role in accumulating additional base deposit. Apart from issuing regular FDRs for Company accounts and individuals, Dhaka Bank SME has incorporated a special kind of Fixed Deposit Scheme based on Islamic norms and regulations, aiming a special client segment, to increase global base.


“i-khata”, a digital CMSME business solution, is a internet based book-keeping accounting register, initiated by Dhaka Bank MSME team. This platform assist the Customers to maintain structured and comprehensive financial records and business activities, replacing maintenance of multiple kaacha khatas, making it much easier for generating necessary Business statements, i.e. Income Statement, Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Purchase Order, Challan Copy, Invoice etc. i-Khata is a dependable financial tool to have better control for record keeping and monitoring of various business activities and increase efficiency having accurate updated business information. Customers utilizing “i-khata” platform are required to record (initiate inputs) their daily Sales, Purchases, Payables, Receivables, Inventories etc.
“i-Samadhan” is a platform for MSME Entrepreneurs, interested to avail credit facility for better management of their respective business portfolio. It is made available on Dhaka Bank official webpage, under MSME & AGRI. segment where an entrepreneur may obtain notional/tentative by submitting his/her basic business information within 24 business hours.
Faq on SME i-Khata

Q: What is “i-Khata”?

Answer:“i-khata”, is a digital CMSME (Cottage, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) business solution, serves as a book-keeping accounting register. The web based software empowers the Customer to maintain structured and comprehensive financial records and business activities, replacing maintenance of multiple kaacha khatas, making it much easier for generating necessary Business statements, i.e. Income Statement, Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Purchase Order, Challan Copy, Invoice etc. for the entrepreneur availing “i-Khata” facility. As such, i-Khata proves to be a dependable financial tool to have better control for record keeping and monitoring of various business activities and increase efficiency, having accurate updated business information.

Q: Who can apply for “i-Khata” enrollment?

Answer:Any existing SME Customer/Entrepreneur of Dhaka Bank, with or without having any credit line, only having account relationship, is eligible for enrollment for “i-Khata.” The Customer is required to approach his/her account maintaining DBL branch to communicate with the Head Office (MSME & Agri. Division) for acquiring unique “i-Khata” ID and PASS on behalf of his/her enterprise. Accordingly, further arrangement on the matter follows through, enabling the Customer to use a customized accounting register.

Q: What are the necessary requirements for “i-Khata” enrollment?

Answer:The interested Customer or his designated employed staff must have basic computer related web based technological knowledge. The platform is also usable on mobile platform, provided the phone has internet access. The Customer should have the habit and the urge to keep records of his/her day to day regular financial activities, along with inventory in/out flow. He also must ensure updating status of his receivables, payables, stock etc. regularly for getting proper comprehensive various business reports.

Q:Is Customers’ business data and other information secured on ”i-Khata” platform?

Answer:The “i-Khata” is a web based online platform accessible only by designated ID and PASS, allotted individually to i-Khata registered users (Entrepreneurs). Related security measures have duly been addressed (at the software infrastructure back end) so that data breaching cannot be compromised. As such, respective business statistics, personal data of individual entrepreneur remains inaccessible by others providing them with a good financial tool to have better control to monitor their business and increase efficiency with accurate updated facts and figures of Business information.

Q:What are the benefits of “i-Khata”?

Answer:“i-Khata” users inherently get benefitted with availabilty of system generated various Reports and Statements, as and when required, i.e. Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Report, Reports on Sales, Inventories, Receivables, Payables etc. As per the Customers’ business needs, the software is customizable, increasing Customer’s dependability and reliability. On the flip side, the more number of SME Customers using the facility of “i-khata” eventually will ensure more diligence in tailored financing, meeting up with various Customers’ “need to have” basis financial business need, giving less room for misappropriation of fund management.

Faq on SME i-Samadhan

Q: What is “i-Samadhan”?

Answer: It is a digital platform where interested individual entrepreneurs can provide their basic personal and business information in order to obtain tentative decision(s) about their eligibility to avail any SME loan facility from Dhaka Bank.

Q: How to get to open “i-Samadhan Application” Page?

Answer: Process 1: The Application Page is available on MSME & AGRI. menu at Dhaka Bank official web page (i.e. www.dhakabanktd.com.bd). After the MEGA MENU of MSME & AGRI emerges, “i-Samadhan Application” page is made available under Digital Facilities title. Clicking on it will lead to the desired page for interested entrepreneurs to fill-in (respective assigned fields) with minimal personal and business information. Process 2: The Application Page is available on MSME & AGRI. menu at Dhaka Bank official web page (i.e. www.dhakabanktd.com.bd). After the MEGA MENU of MSME & AGRI emerges, “i-Samadhan Application” page is made available under Application Forms title. Clicking on it will lead to the desired page for interested entrepreneurs to fill-in (respective assigned fields) with minimal personal and business information.

Q:What should ideally be the turnaround time (TAT) for “i-Samadhan” entries?

Answer:Tentative decision for “i-Samadhan” from Dhaka Bank is intended to be provided within 24 business hours*, subject to availability of all mandatory information. Only after obtaining a positive response, the customer is required to visit his/her nearest Dhaka Bank branch for further formalities, in compliance with Dhaka Bank credit policy as per branch’s directives.

Q:How will the Entrepreneur/Customer get feedback(s) from Dhaka Bank?

Answer:“i-Samadhan Application” entries include mandatory filling up, of the customer’s e-Mail address and cell phone numbers. Respective interested SME Customers will be communicated through their e-Mails and cell phones accordingly.

Q:Upon positive tentative/notional decision what further steps should an interested entrepreneur take?

Answer:After obtaining tentative positive credit decision from Dhaka Bank, the respective Entrepreneur is required to visit his/her nearest branch of Dhaka Bank, to meet up with regulatory compliance. The interested entrepreneur will provide the Branch Credit officials with original/endorsed documents (backing up his already provided personal and business information beforehand) to initiate Formal Proposal.

Q:What should be the Branch’s role when visited by an entrepreneur/customer (having positive tentative feedback from Dhaka bank ‘i-Shamadhan’?)

Answer:The respective Branch must validate his/her claim on having the positive decision from Dhaka Bank Head Office. After being confirmed, they have to make arrangements for sending over formal proposal on Customer’s behalf, after collecting all related supporting original documents, in line with regulatory credit compliance of the Bank.


Loan under Refinance Scheme of BDT 25,000 crore
Bangladesh Bank has formed a refinancing scheme of BDT 25,000 crore for Cottage, Micro, Small & Medium (CMSME) entrepreneurs. Under the scheme, the borrowers of CMSMEs will get term loans at a lower interest rate than the general public.

Credit Guarantee Scheme
CMSME entrepreneurs can now apply under Credit Guarantee Scheme of Bangladesh Bank. Dhaka Bank signed a Participation Agreement with Bangladesh Bank for providing Credit Guarantee for CMSME Entrepreneurs. The facility aims to assist those eligible CMSME Entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient collateral security to avail loan/investment facility from the Banks.

This program initiated by Bangladesh Bank prioritizes focusing on Women Entrepreneurs. Women constitute about half our population, hence, must be encouraged to be involved with various socio-economical and financial activities, adding up to our overall economical prosperity. In order to prioritize women business financing, Bangladesh Bank extends funding assistance at a rate of 5.00% to Banks and NBFIs for further lending to Women business Entrepreneurs at 9.00% intt. rate in order to reduce their financial burden and to flourish their business activities.

Loan to BDT 10 Ac. Holder
The facility includes opening of regular bank accounts with initial balance of BDT. 10.00 only, made available for relatively poorer segment of the society. Bangladesh Bank has an allocation of BDT 20.00 Million for lending purpose to facilitate this segment. BDT 10.00 AC. holders enjoy 9.50% intt. rate while availing small ticket credit facility under the scheme.

Agri. 4.00% Loan
Agriculture is the prime sector for lending, where, as per Bangladesh Bank directives, relatively lower interest rate is applied. Under refinance criteria, Commercial Banks and /or NBFIs are entitled to claim disbursed amounts at an intt. rate of 9.00% from Bangladesh Bank for onward further lending to agricultural farmers at 4.00& interest rate.

Green Banking
Green banking is acclimatized with the core idea for minimizing environmental risks and hazards. Businesses that pose threats to polluting air we breathe, water we drink or locality, where population concentration is higher, should pursue methodology in their business activities that embrace pollution free techniques and methods in running their respective businesses, causing no harm or threat to our environment in general. Dhaka Bank promotes such financing, even if it involves large scale financing, if viable.

SME Foundation Arrangement (Shoe manufacturing cluster, Rajshahi)
Dhaka Bank, aided and guided by SME Foundation has invested at Kaluhati locality in Rajshahi, at a cluster of collective shoe makers, for development of Shoe manufacturing attributes. Having real financial requirement, the respective individuals/enterprises belonging to the respective cluster, upon valid proposition, avails credit facility, to boost up their business activities ending up with better profitability.

Cluster Financing
ME Clusters are interconnected enterprises located in a specific location, producing the same or similar products and/or delivering same or similar services. There are 177 SME clusters in 51 districts of Bangladesh. Dhaka Bank has already financed several clusters working alongside SME Foundation utilizing their refinancing Schemes.

The benefits of cluster financing:

  • Individually each client may not be eligible to finance; however, under Cluster Financing they can avail loan financing;
  • Mortgage security is not required as the clients provide group guarantee for one another.
  • Smaller ticket size loans.
  • Easier to monitor multiple clients belonging in the same cluster as they work and live in the same area.

Some SME Clusters already Financed by Dhaka Bank include:

  • Kaluhati Shoe Cluster of Rajshahi
  • Furniture Cluster of Rajshahi
  • Furniture Cluster of Chatmohor
  • Basket Cluster of Sherpur
  • Mritt Shilpo Cluster of Mokamtola
  • Kutir Shilpo of Akij City

Dhaka Bank and SMEF have signed an agreement in this regard on 11 June 2024 in a renowned Hotel in Dhaka. Under this program, SME Foundation will provide Tk. 450 crore to the participating banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) which will be disbursed to the entrepreneurs at a subsidized rate of 6%.

Dhaka Bank and SMEF have signed an agreement in this regard on 11 June 2024 in a renowned Hotel in Dhaka. Under this program, SME Foundation will provide Tk. 450 crore to the participating banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) which will be disbursed to the entrepreneurs at a subsidized rate of 6%.

Events and Exhibition

11th National SME Fair participation
Dhaka Bank Participates in the 11th National SME Fair and 1st SME Financing Facilities Fair 2024 organized by SME Foundation
The SME Foundation organized a seven day long SME Fair scheduled from 19th May to 25th May 2024 at BICC to showcase the products produced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The fair aimed to promote the products produced by SMEs across the country and create a network among SMEs, among other goals. Around 350 SMEs participated in the fair. About 60 percent of the enterprises of the fair were led by women entrepreneurs. Dhaka Bank participated in the Fair as a sponsor, setting up a stall at the venue. We engaged with numerous visitors who showed interest and curiosity about our products and services.

International MSME Day 2024 Celebration
Dhaka Bank celebrated the International MSME Day 2024
International MSME Day is celebrated annually on 27th June 2024 to recognize the important role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in economic growth and sustainable development. The theme for 2024 was “Building Resilience of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to Accelerate Sustainable Development and Eradicate Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises”.
Dhaka Bank celebrated the International MSME Day 2024 by setting up balloons, Banner, Festoons in 8 key branches:
1. Gulshan Corporate Branches
2. Gulshan-1 Branch
3. Local Office Branch
4. Kakrail Branch
5. Banani Branch
6. Dhanmondi Branch
7. Uttara Branch
8. Kawran Bazar Branch
We also held a zoom session with all our branches to celebrate and have a discussion on the importance for financing MSMEs and the relevant products and services we offer them

Women Entrepreneur Highlights (As on June 30, 2024)
  • Number of CMSME Women Entrepreneurs: 154
  • % of WE Portfolio: 3.84% of CMSME Loans of Dhaka Bank
  • Number of Desks/SME Help Desks dedicated to Women Entrepreneur available at all Dhaka Bank Branches

SME Objectives 2025
  • Online Approval to be made readily available on net/online.
  • Increase focus on 1st time Borrowers for fresh financing.
  • Initiate developing new CLUSTER(S) for widening financial footprint.
  • Increase attention to emphasize financing on rural areas.
  • Increase focus in providing Refinance Schemes at lucrative interest rates for eligible SME Clients
  • Focus in financing Women Entrepreneur clients
  • Expand financial products tailored for CMSMEs (i.e. Supply Chain Finance and Distributor Finance)


To Apply Please fill out this form!



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