
TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK


TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

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Rate last updated: 02/01/2014 11:15:04 AM

Daily Business News Flash February 10, 2022

Shipping Corporation’s half-yearly profits exceed Tk100cr for the first time

The profit of the Bangladesh Shipping Corporation – the state-owned oceangoing vessels management authority – have surpassed Tk100 crore in the first half of the current fiscal year, for the first time. The profit grew by 400% to Tk126 crore, and the earnings per share (EPS) rose to Tk8.28. It is the highest profit compared to the first half of any financial year since the inception of the corporation. It has also surpassed the nearly Tk72 crore annual profit for fiscal 2020-21. Its paid-up capital is Tk152.53 crore. It has Tk1,566.78 crore as long-term loans and Tk3.67 crore as short-term loans. The government-owned agency raised Tk313.70 crore through a repeat public offering in 2011 to buy a mother vessel and a cargo ship.

Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/economy/banks/news/ncc-bank-wins-remittance-award-2956936

 bKash fetches freelancer’s remittance in seconds

bKash has given the country’s burgeoning freelancer community reason to cheer as they can now receive payments through the mobile financial service (MFS) provider within a few seconds. bKash has already signed a deal with Payoneer, an online payment gateway service provider that allows users to send or receive payments from around the world. With the service set to launch today, bKash, which has about 5.85 crore customers, will become the country’s first MFS provider to offer an official channel for incoming remittance.This means that any incoming remittance will first be transferred to the lender via Bangladesh Bank through Payoneer before it is deposited in the recipient’s bKash account. The whole process will only take a few seconds though as all the steps are taken in real-time.

Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/economy/news/bkash-fetches-freelancers-remittance-seconds-2958651

Ms. HumairaAzam one of top 10 influential women in Cambridge IFA’s report

Ms. Humaira Azam, managing director of Trust Bank, has been recognised as one of the top 10 influential women in Islamic business and finance in the world by UK-based financial intelligence house Cambridge IFA in its WOMANi Report 2021.

Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/economy/news/team-group-targets-1b-export-2026-ships-garments-medicines-2956976

Local and Global Stock Indices *

Index NameClose ValueValue ChangePercentage Change
DJIA$ 35,768.06
FTSE100$ 7,643.42↑ 76.35↑ 1.01%
Nikkei 225$ 27,667.91↑88.04↑0.32%

World Commodities *

CommodityClose ValueValue ChangePercentage Change
Crude Oil (WTI)$ 89.63↓0.03↓0.03%
Crude Oil (Brent)$ 91.48↓0.07↓0.08 %
Gold Spot$ 1,834.34↑0.98↑0.05%

Major Currencies Exchange Rates Movement in Last Seven Days *

Exchange Rates
USD 1BDT 86.00
GBP 1BDT 116.4784
EUR 1BDT 98.1776