
TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK


TT-Clean: 77.1 | TK BC-Selling: 78.1
TK OD-Sight: 76.88 TK | TC-Selling: 78.1 TK

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Rate last updated: 02/01/2014 11:15:04 AM


Dhaka Bank has a dedicated Treasury Team who is capable of providing all treasury solutions through wide range of treasury products available in the market. In Dhaka Bank Treasury, there are four teams who are specialized in their own area to ensure the best possible solutions and to provide best pricing to our customer. Dhaka Bank has following teams in the treasury:

  • Money Market
  • Foreign Exchange
  • Asset and Liability Management
  • Corporate Desk

For details,
please call Treasury Division:

02-226601808, 02-226601824

Money Market
Dhaka Bank Money Market desk is one of the most active and efficient desk in the Inter-Bank Market. Money Market dealers exercise all the existing Money Market products like –

  • Call Money lending & Borrowing
  • Term placement and Borrowing
  • Trading of Approved Securities
  • Repo & Reverse Repo
  • SWAP

For details, please call Treasury Division: 02-226601808

Foreign Exchange
The Dhaka Bank Foreign Exchange desk is very active in the Inter-Bank USD/BDT market and one of the leaders among the local private banks. DBL Treasury provides market information and competitive price in USD/BDT. DBL is also well equipped to price world major currency Spot & Forward price to the customers. It has wide source of foreign currency through its Exporters, Exchange Houses and different local and multinational corporate customers. In Foreign Exchange the most available products in DBL Treasury are:

  • Spot Sale/ Buy of Foreign Currency
  • Forward Sale/ Buy of Foreign Currency
  • Foreign Currency placement
  • SWAP

For details, please call Treasury Division: 02-226601808

Asset Liability Management
Asset Liability Management desk of the Dhaka Bank monitors Market Risk and Liquidity Risk, and at the same time it interprets the market views, competition and the potential target market. ALCO prepares the liquidity plan as per the Maturity Profile of Assets and Liabilities, Deposits and Advances, analyzes the different ratios and Factor Sensitivity of interest rates. Dhaka Bank meets at least once a month to Analyze, Review and Formulate strategy to manage the Balance Sheet of the Bank. The key functions of DBL Asset Liability Management are:

  • Diversification and Pricing of Assets and Liabilities
  • Monitoring Liquidity and Reserves Management
  • Reduction of Fund Cost
  • Maximization of Asset Yields
  • Centralized Management of Market Risks
  • Interest Rate Risk
  • GAP Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
  • Search for Alternative Funding and Investment

For details, please call Treasury Division: 02-226601808

Corporate Desk
Dhaka Bank Corporate Desk efficiently quotes prices and rates to the different corporate customers to Buy/Sell of Foreign Currency. In the same manner it also assists clients in managing their risk exposures so as to minimize the impact of market volatility on the company. This includes analyzing the business structure of interest rates and foreign exchange rates. Based on the risk appetite of a client, hedging strategies are then tailor-made to suit the customer’s needs.

For details, please call Treasury Division: 02-226601808

Government Securities Investment Window
Dhaka Bank Limited has established the ‘Government Securities Investment Window’ to facilitate various government securities, OTC (Over the Counter) and primary/ secondary transactions undertaken by any DBL customer. ‘Government Securities Investment Window’ has been formed for smooth running and speedy servicing of Govt. Securities transactions of the Bank.

Who Can Buy Government Securities (GSEC): Bangladeshi individuals and institutions (e.g Banks, non-bank financial institutions, Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds, pension fund and Corporate bodies), Nonresident individuals and institutions can also buy Treasury bill and Bond.

Investable Amount: Minimum Taka 1.00 Lac or any multiple amounts of Taka 1.00 Lac.

Investor’s Rate of Return: Investor will receive coupons semiannually against Treasury bond. Treasury bonds can be purchased at discount, or face value/at par, or at premium depending on the market yield scenario. Upon maturity, investor will get the face value. Treasury Bills are zero coupon bonds as one can buy at discount and receive face value amount on maturity. Investor’s rate of return will be represented by yield of the securities.

Current Products: 14days, 91days, 182days, and 364days Treasury Bills and 2Yr, 5Yr 10Yr, 15Yr, & 20Yr Treasury Bonds are available. If available, customers can be provided with the product of broken tenor.

How we serve through this window:

  • Provide information of coupon/ yield and investment procedure potential or prospective customers.
  • Take proper initiatives to open Business Participants (BP) accounts of individuals and institutional customers.
  • Provide necessary advice to open Bank account for ensuring overall transaction security, sale-buy of govt. securities and faster payment of coupon and principal payment on maturity.
  • Ensure buy-sale transaction successfully depending on customer’s requisition.
  • Ensure payment/ receive of coupon, principal and trading activities efficiently.

Please feel free to contact us in following address:

Contact Details
Name of the OfficialsDesignationContact Phone No.Email AddressDivision / BranchAddress
Mohammad Emel Bhuiyan​​Assistant Vice President02-226601808, 01730428153emel.bhuiyan@dhakabank.com.bdTreasury DivisionDhaka Bank Limited, Gulshan Head Office, 3rd Floor, CWS(C)-10, Bir Uttam A K Khandakar Road, Gulshan, Dhaka
Md. Safiul Alam MukulPrincipal Officer​​02-226601808, 01677724556​​md.mukul@dhakabank.com.bdTreasury Division
Nazir AhmedManagement Trainee Officer​​​02-226601808, 01684014123​​nazir.ahmed@dhakabank.com.bdTreasury Division
Shefat HabibAssistant Officer01632262626shefat.habib@dhakabank.com.bdGulshan Corporate BranchDhaka Bank Limited, Gulshan Corporate Branch, CWS(C)-10, Bir Uttam A K Khandakar Road, Gulshan, Dhaka.​​
For Government Securities Maturity and Coupon Related Query:
Name of the OfficialsDesignationContact Phone No.Email AddressDivision / BranchAddress
Ruma Akter​​Principal Officer01753058129ruma.akter@dhakabank.com.bd​Operations Division71, Purana Paltan Lane, Dhaka 1000
Download Forms
01​​Application to Head of Treasury for BPID OpeningDownload
02​​BPID Opening Form (Print on Both Sides)Download
03​​Document Checklist for BPID OpeningDownload
04​​T-Bill & Bond Purchase Application FormatDownload
05​​BPID to BOID Transfer FormDownload
06​​FAQ on G-Sec InvestmentDownload


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