IPFF Fund: The Bank has access to IPFF (“Investment Promotion Financing Facility”) Fund, which is implemented by Bangladesh Bank and endowed jointly by the World Bank and Govt. of Bangladesh (“GoB“). The fund is to boost up infrastructure sector of the country. The Bank has already channelized USD 63.00 million and BDT 2.35 billion under IPFF against 05 different (five) projects covering power, water treatment plant, inland container depot. As of now, the Bank has the privilege in arranging the largest IPFF financing i.e. USD 58.50 million to a single borrower in Bangladesh.
FSSP Fund: The Bank has access to FSSP (“Financial Sector Support Project”) Fund, which is also implemented by Bangladesh Bank and funded by the World Bank. Under FSSP, Bangladesh Bank will provide long term financing in foreign currency mainly to help manufacturing firms of the country. The Bank is one of the pioneers availing fund from FSSP.
AKA Fund: The Bank has arrangement with AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt (Main), Germany (in short ‘AKA’) for long term foreign currency loans for corporate clients to import capital machinery from Germany and / or other European countries.