Friendly Cricket Match between Dhaka Bank and Eastern Bank
Dhaka Bank Cricket Team played a friendly cricket match against Eastern Bank Cricket Team on 1st February 2008 at Jahangirnagar University Cricket Ground. Captained by Mr. Kazi Sharek Kader, Head of GTS, Dhaka Bank was all out for 122 runs in 34.4 over of the 35 over match. Chasing the score Eastern Bank reached the target without losing any wicket.
In a simple ceremony Mr. M. M. Haikal Hashmi, SEVP, Dhaka Bank and Mr. Mahbubul Alam Taiyab, SEVP, Eastern Bank distributed Man of the Match trophies.
Mr. Rashedur Rahman Ranim, Assistant Relationship Officer was awarded the Man of the Match of Eastern Bank Team and Mr. A. K. M. Raihan Kowser, Probationary Officer, was awarded the Man of the Match of Dhaka Bank Team.