Dhaka Bank Limited celebrated its 13th Anniversary on July 5, 2008. The ceremony was held at DBL`s Head Office Board Room in Motijheel. The day-long program started at 11 AM with cutting of cake and milad mehfil. To celebrate this joyous occasion Chairman Mr. Altaf Hossain Sarkar, Former Chairman Mr. ATM Hayatuzzaman Khan, Vice Chairman Mr. Mohammed Hanif, Director Mr. Md. Amirullah, Mr. Aminul Islam, Mr. Abdullah Al Ahsan, Mr. Matin Uddin Ahmed Barabhuiya, Sponsor Shareholder Mr. Reshadur Rahman, Managing Director Mr. Shahed Noman and other officials of Dhaka Bank, clients, stake holders and well wishers were present at the ceremony.
Presently Dhaka Bank is operated in 17 different districts with 41 Branch, 1 Business Center and 1 Offshore Banking Unit. Dhaka Bank has built its reputation as one of the leading banks in the private sector throughout these years. Their excellence in banking has earned them “The International Star Award for Quality 2006” from Business Initiative Directions (BID), Geneva, Switzerland. At the same time they also have received “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award” from Standard Chartered – Financial Express.