Dhaka Bank Limited celebrated its 19th Anniversary on Saturday, July 05, 2014. Like every years, Dhaka Bank acknowledged the contributions of its stakeholders. The celebration started from the Head Office at Motijheel through Doa Mahfil. Mr. Mirza Abbas Uddin Ahmed, Founder & Director of Dhaka Bank Limited attended the mehfil with other high officials of the Bank. Professor Moulona Salah Uddin conducted the Doa Mehfil. Later, on the same occasion Dhaka Bank donated Tk.12 Lac to SEID Trust, a school for Autistic children. The cheque was formally received by the Chairperson of SEID Trust Mr. Ranjan Karmoker.
Former Chairman & Director Mr. Reshadur Rahman, Directors Messrs. Altaf Hossain Sarker, Mohammed Hanif, Md. Amirullah, Mirza Yasser Abbas, Former Chairman & Sponsor Shareholder ATM Hayatuzzaman Khan, Former Director Khandaker Mohammad Shahjahan were present. Apart from them, Managing Director Mr. Niaz Habib, Deputy Managing Directors namely Mr. Neaz Mohammad Khan, Mr. Emranul Huq and Mr. Khan Shahadat Hossain, Company Secretary Mr. Arham Masudul Huq, Divisional Heads and other officials were also present on the occasion.(July 5, 2013 )