BB makes vessel container tracking mandatory The Bangladesh Bank has asked the authorised dealer banks to conduct tracking of vessel containers through a tracking system recognised by the competent authorities in a bid to prevent money laundering in the name of export. The Foreign Exchange Policy Department of the BB
Read MoreCentral bank sets deposit rate at 7%, lending rate 11% for NBFIs The central bank has set interest rates on deposit collection at 7% and loans at 11% for the country’s non-banking financial institutions (NBFI). These interest rates will be effective from 1 July this year, according to a Bangladesh
Read More7.5pc GDP growth target set for FY23 The government has set an ambitious economic growth target of 7.5 per cent for the next fiscal year although the country faces new headwinds owing to higher prices of commodities globally and is still recovering from the shocks of the coronavirus pandemic. It
Read MoreSukuk auction on Apr 19 to raise Tk 50b The government is set to raise Tk 50 billion more by issuing Islamic bonds on April 19 to bankroll a rural infrastructure development project, officials say. The central bank will hold an auction to issue Istisna Sukuk bonds to eligible banks,
Read MoreBB orders uniform provisioning policy The central bank asks all the scheduled banks to follow a uniform policy for maintaining provision against classification of other assets for ensuring discipline in the country’s banking system. The banks have been instructed to submit report on provisioning of other assets to the Department
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