Six banks under BB scanner The central bank has brought around half-a-dozen commercial banks under its close monitoring after it detected anomalies in their recent share market activities. As part of the move, the Bangladesh Bank (BB) has already sought explanation from the banks on activities along with exceeding their
Read MoreFarm loans disbursement soars in 2 months Farm loans disbursement registered a 35.46 per cent growth in the first two months of this fiscal year (2017-18), compared with that in the same period of FY 2016-17. Banks disbursed Tk 2,794.05 crore in farm loans in the July-August period of FY18
Read More35 individuals, orgs get BB remittance award Thirty-five individuals and organisations, including five commercial banks, have been awarded the ‘Bangladesh Bank Remittance Award-2016’. They have got the award for sending home the highest amount of remittance, investing bonds and playing a vital role to receive the remittance. State Minister for
Read MoreBB to bend rules for banks to invest beyond limit Banks may be allowed to break the barrier and lend beyond 25 per cent of their paid-up capital to single borrowers to facilitate installation of large power plants. Sources said the Bangladesh Bank (BB), in this case of government priority,
Read MoreBB not giving new Islamic banking licences More and more banks are showing interest in converting into full-fledged Islamic banks but the central bank is not giving new licences for the expansion of the shariah-compliant finance. The reason is the absence of a regulatory framework that would enable proper monitoring
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